A year after the start of the Dutch section of platform 100 Months to Change and the dazzling premiere of the Beyond Zero Experience, we look back. Where is the platform now? And: what's next?!

In a special year, we learned an incredible amount about how professionals face transition challenges and what is needed to accelerate. We have put the subject of climate central, but we are also working on the other sustainable goals with the Partners. Because what you learn for the climate challenge can be applied directly to the other goals. How did the Partners and the Experiences fare?!

Co-founder Charlotte Extercatte says: "Everything always doesn't turn out the way you expect. This year has been crazy. Because there is so much to do about the subject, you notice that sometimes tempers run high in the strength teams and meetings. There is a very clear outcome: more is really needed than a strategy with an ESG governance model and a nice annual report that is introduced with only moments of inspiration to remain future-proof as an organization. More action is really needed!"

It is bustling and bubbling in and around organizations. With the ability to deal with this - especially for leaders - is now the time to step up an approach.

From this year's data and experiences, we experience that more direction for action is needed from leadership and the first 1% of the organization that wants to embark on the transformation of an organization. There is a need for focus and energy resulting in concrete solutions. The ideas are there, the techniques too, but it is still too much stuck in the decision-making arena. In addition, space is needed: the capacity to really work on transformation appears to be too limited and it is striking that there are also few young people participating in the sustainable topics. This means that the contribution of a group with a fresh perspective and an interest in the subject is missing.

Organizations then not only miss 12% more ESG performance (according to research by Chevrolier et al.), but we also see people - especially young people - leave physically and mentally, more dropouts and, above all, a lot of elaborated ideas with climate and circular solutions that are already there, but not yet realized. Shame. A positive process with a constructive narrative gives 30% more results.

The highlights:

  • 40 Strength teams have started to accelerate transition in their organisation(s) with lessons from pioneers, such as the Ministry of Justice and Security, EY and ABN AMRO.
  • Reached 10,000 Professionals with the mission to inspire and empower in transitions with relevant insights thanks to the Call for Action data tool.
  • A crystal clear pattern of things that professionals need to accelerate > more focus on the dynamics between leaders and professionals (1% from the resilience model). Partners Mourik and Savills got off to a fantastic start with this.
  • A first start with the education platform to introduce transformation in education. How does it work in practice to work with transition assignments: that is now completely missing. We teach students what SDGs are and at least how to work with them. Look at the work of partners Fontys: that is really future-oriented! Funding for a large-scale program is being worked on.
  • Working on more capacity by making more young interim support available to organizations in collaboration with Hieroo - they are trained in transforming organizations and bursting with energy. DuurzaamDoor now uses it and experiences how refreshing it works.
  • Last but not least: there is increasing European attention and demand from global organizations with a base in Europe. We are now developing further on this: those Partners can really reach many professionals together.

On December 1, the platform will repeat the great evening of November 11, 2021 in Zwolle - at the great inspiring location of the University of Applied Science Windesheim.

One of the stories from the book Klimaatwerkers (Climate Workers) - Maria her story - takes place here at the Windesheim Value Creators program. Very inspiring!

Thanks to the 100MTC team and all Partners, Experts and Friends. Charlotte: "It was a fantastic year! - we will continue with a very good team with fresh energy. It is possible!"