“If we no longer see transition tasks as an extra, but as the core of our existence, then every function has a role to play in the transformation. Everyone has a puzzle piece in their hands.” This was a statement made by a motivated leader during a leadership event about the future of the organization in 2030. “He hits the nail on the head,” according to expert Charlotte Extercatte.

Need of professionals

From the 80+ meetings with leaders and professionals, we quickly collect a lot of knowledge in the 100MTC platform about what is needed to be able to take decisions and actions regarding transition challenges in our daily work. These decisions require more guts, a vision for the future and the ability to deal with dilemmas. With the data we generate with the platform, it quickly becomes clear that there is a need for a new culture, more knowledge and meaning in order to deal with this. In itself there is a lot of inspiration on the subject, but it usually misses the mark or does not lead to action. Then it is mainly a factor that leads to more frustration.

Inspiration that contributes to this is appreciated, with a strong need to convert the inspiration into concrete action. To be able to do that, professionals need to know which final image should be acted upon and what scope there is to act. They partly influence this themselves, but 12 months of Climate Work also show that leaders have higher expectations in this regard. Only with sufficient direction is it possible as a professional to make decisions about priorities and to continue to act effectively. In this way, teams and motivated ambassadors remain involved and they increase the collective capacity of the organization to transform.

100MTC partners developed an efficient Experience to meet the need for inspiration in a very short time with a strong empowerment and action component. The action is then realized in a sprint. These terms come from the '4C Theory of Transformation'.

  • Inspire 

Awareness of what transition tasks mean in practice for an organization and in particular the human aspects that make it possible to set an organization in motion to proceed to actual and accelerated transformation. Participants of an Experience are included in the success factors of pioneers who have already proven what is possible and are provided with a practical model for this with a pioneering story in film format.

  • Empower 

In the Experience, participants have the opportunity to develop collective intelligence by exchanging together which elements of pioneers and the pioneer story are applicable to their organization and their own professional role. In addition, concrete examples are given that immediately positively influence one's own actions. The questions from the Call for Action data tool immediately convert the inspiration gained into new knowledge and intention to act. 

  • Accelerate 

Leveraging the pioneering way, participants' intentions are converted into actual action, which is carried out in a short period of time after the Expereince.

Participants are asked to complete the Call for Action data tool, which provides relevant insights. The participants can also prioritize answers so that an organization knows which priorities are seen by the participants and on which points action can be taken.

The actions are then converted into direct action and results by a Changeteam. The participants learn from this so-called sprint process and collect what positive impact and organizational value has been created. This will be communicated to relevant parties who will decide on the acceleration of the transition.