What do pioneers do that makes them successful? November 11 we saw the premiere of the film "Beyond Zero," a story of an entrepreneur who managed to transform his organization-Interface-into a company that contributes to solving the climate problem. As Interface did this, so did other pioneers. We now know from 15 years of experience that there are some crucial success factors in that way of working. And that they are applicable to every professional with simple tools, in government, education and business. At all levels of the organization. A better climate starts at work.

Accelerate with collective wisdom

By sharing these "lessons" from the pioneers, platform 100 Months To Change challenges professionals worldwide to harness these lessons and use them to take an extra step in achieving climate goals. We share the 4 most important lessons in the illustration from 100MTC ambassador Helmich Jousma. The metaphor of sailing at sea corresponds to the dynamics of the climate issue and how to deal with changing factors in the short term to ultimately arrive at that climate-positive future. That vision has been described as Compelling Vision. You can't do it alone, but you can do it with a Changeteam. By designing a Catalyst Process and realizing it in Co-creation Sprints, every organization accelerates thanks to the collective wisdom of colleagues and network. Many pioneers and climate workers followed this path.

Whitepaper with success factors

These lessons and associated success factors and tools are described in the whitepaper. This whitepaper is excerpted from the Spring 2022 book 'Klimaatwerkers' (Climate Workers), wich you can order at Managementboek. Only available in Dutch.